May 26 2021
“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein While Einstein was not describing shippers’ approach to parcel carrier sourcing,... View More
Oct. 12 2020
If you manage a parcel expense budget, 2020 has likely left you searching for answers, often landing on a Magic 8-Ball response of “Ask again later.” Unfortunately, parcel expense manageme
April 6 2020
While the answer to the question posed in the title is technically “yes,” it is not as definitive as you may think. Guaranteed services are overvalued, overused, and result in unnecessary
March 2 2020
As recently as just a couple of years ago, the term “delivery experience” was little more than an industry buzzword, often prefaced by “the Amazon effect” or “the e-commerce... View More

