Sept. 11 2009 09:39 AM

    Welcome to the special fall issue of PARCEL. This, the U.S. Postal Service-sponsored issue, is dedicated to the products and services of the Postal Service and its business partners. We give major parcel industry providers an opportunity to sponsor a limited number of PARCEL issues in order to showcase their expertise and how they are providing solutions to you, our readers.

    I’m impressed with the Postal Service’s Package Division. Over the past several years, it has stepped up and responded in making the Postal Service a real parcel carrier competitor. Today, the Postal Service is a real option when selecting a parcel carrier. There was a time (not too many years back) when I would not have said that. The Postal Service has introduced some great new products over the past couple of years, and the new offerings continue. I’m encouraged by these innovative parcel products and feel confident that they are just the beginning.

    I’ve said many times that parcels are the key to the future of a stable and affordable universal postal service, and I’ll say it again. Without a viable position in the parcel delivery sector of our national economy, the USPS will find it extremely difficult to maintain an affordable universal service model. For the future of the USPS, it’s parcels, parcels, parcels.

    Speaking of the future of the USPS, the Postal Service must have the authority to change operations as it sees fit. I am struck by the number of articles printed every day in our nation’s newspapers, magazines and websites that pound on the USPS. On one of the leading postal monitoring websites recently, in one day, there were no fewer than 10 references to articles critical of the Postal Service for trying to consolidate or close facilities (something of which they have a serious surplus). Most mentioned that a Congressional representative had been contacted and had met or scheduled a meeting with a USPS official.

    It’s interesting how many people want the Postal Service to function more “businesslike,” except when this “businesslike” behavior affects the privileges the USPS brings to their businesses, their locations and their friends. And we wonder why the USPS doesn’t function in a more “businesslike” manner?

    We can discuss these and many other parcel industry developments in person at the 2009 PARCEL Forum, “We’ve Got Your Back End Covered,” October 5-7, at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Chicago. Hope to see you there!

    And, as always, thanks for reading PARCEL.
